The Prodigal Son Returns

We were on outreach in a village, running various children’s programs, visiting elderly people’s homes, and engaging in numerous other activities. One afternoon, while working with a new church plant, we were sent out to visit new believers. Our small group of three arrived at the first house, where an old lady awaited us. I was struck by the poverty and simplicity of her home. The wooden walls were worn, there was no running water, and there wasn’t even a chair for us to sit on. So we stood and asked the old lady how we could pray for her. She had an unusual request.

The lady shared that she had not seen her son for three years. He had disappeared one day, never called home, and never returned. By now, she feared the worst, worrying about his well-being. What could we do? The only thing we could do was to pray that God would protect him and that he would get back in touch. We left the house, wondering if our prayers would really make a difference.

A few days later, the pastor from the church called us with surprising news. The old lady was overjoyed and wanted to thank us for the visit. Amazingly, on the same day we prayed with her, her son had called home after three years to share that he was alive and well. Her heart was relieved; she could breathe fresh air. Her son is now planning to visit home again to see his mum for the first time in years. As the Bible says, perhaps we do not have because we do not ask. Prayer is so powerful.