Seeking to Surrender

Seeking to Surrender

In the northern reaches of Sumatra, Indonesia, nestled in a small city, something extraordinary was about to unfold. Hundreds of teenagers, over 400 in all, gathered for a one-week revival camp. They came from churches scattered across the region, each bringing their hopes, struggles, and faith.

From the moment the camp began, it was clear that this was no ordinary gathering. Throughout the week, the teenagers experienced profound encounters with Jesus. It was as if the heavens had opened, pouring out love, healing, and transformation upon each young heart. Some felt a deep peace wash over them, others were moved to tears of joy or repentance, and still others were filled with a newfound boldness in their faith.

Each day brought new stories of lives being touched, hearts being changed, and burdens being lifted. The presence of the Lord was so strong that it felt as if no one could leave unchanged. By the end of the week, this small city in the north of Sumatra had become the site of countless miracles, a place where the young had encountered Jesus in ways they had never imagined.

Among the many testimonies that emerged from that powerful week in Sumatra, one story stood out—a story of a young girl who longed with all her heart to experience the presence of God.

In the first few days of the camp, she often approached the staff. “I don’t feel anything,” she would say, her voice rife with desperation. She saw others around her being moved, touched by the Holy Spirit, yet she felt nothing. But she didn’t give up. Each day, she returned to worship, pouring out her heart to God, yearning for His presence, praying with a persistence that came from deep within.

And then, one day, something shifted. As she worshiped, God met her right where she was. The Holy Spirit filled her, and she was overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. It was as if a floodgate had opened, and all the love, peace, and power she had been seeking came rushing in. She felt the tangible embrace of God’s presence, and it changed everything for her.

But the encounter didn’t stop there. That powerful moment ignited a fire within her. No longer content with simply experiencing God, she was ready to go all in for Jesus. With a heart full of passion and determination, she committed herself to the Great Commission. She knew that her life would never be the same. From that day forward, she resolved to dedicate her life to go wherever Jesus called her, ready to share the love and power of Jesus with the world.