Congrats DBS Students!

DBS in AsiaWe pioneered our first DTS in Kuala Lumpur with YWAM Experience Asia. Our group graduated and they did AMAZING! We are so proud of them!! Now they are on outreach.

We’re thrilled to announce our next Discipleship Training School starting September 21, 2025! 🌏✨

Why come for our DBS in Kuala Lumpur Asia? Our DBS  offers an affordable, multicultural environment where you can: 

  • Dive deep into God’s Word.
  • Immerse yourself in impactful community ministries.
  • Make a lasting difference in the world.
  • We have low prices and run high quality programs.

Testimony from a Participant

“DBS has been such a rich and wonderful time, where I could meet and get to know God in a completely new way. These weeks were full of revelation and deeper understanding of God’s big story—how He loved His people and remained faithful to them. I’ve gained more context and background for the books of the Bible, understanding why and to whom they were written. It opened up the text and allowed me to see it in a new light.”


Outreach Testimony

“This outreach to Batam, Indonesia, has been amazing. During our stay, we encouraged many churches in slum areas. We shared messages and concluded with small group discussions where people opened up about their struggles and prayed for one another. Everyone left feeling inspired to deepen their relationship with God.”

Will you join us on this life-changing journey? Learn more at